Gábor Rakonczay: Crossing the Infinite (Currently Available Only in Antiquarian Shops)

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A brief description of the book:

In the course of human history, many have embarked on the waves of the Atlantic Ocean. Using various watercraft, they have covered the distance of over 6,000 km that separates Europe and America. However, in 2012, a young Hungarian man set out on an adventure that no one had accomplished before. Gábor Rakonczay, already honored abroad with the Adventure of the Year award and the Guinness World Records title, with three ocean crossings under his belt, embarked on a journey to paddle across the Atlantic Ocean in his single-person canoe named Vitéz.

However, on the 33rd day of transatlantic canoeing, 1000 km from the nearest land, his boat capsized in a storm, and Gábor went missing. The book is a captivating and authentic account of human willpower, the desire to live, and a man who confronted his destiny and survived the impossible.


Full title: Crossing The Infinite
Author: Gábor Rakonczay
Language: Hungarian
Publication date 2013
Bonding method: glued paperback
Number of pages: 230
Size [mm]: 140×200
ISBN: 6155235825
EAN: 9786155235825


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